April - May 2001
My own trip to discover the locations myself and prepare for an expedition. This is actually the trip where I met Sofie, my soulmate and mother of my son Kobe (aka Kobe-Wan Kenobi).
It was rather exciting since this was actually going to be my very first Star Wars related trip, where I actually went in search of locations that were used by Lucasfilm in 1976 and 1997.
I didn't visit all the locations. I never got to the Lars Exterior and the Dune Sea, just southwest of Nefta. Tozeur was the final stop at the time. So I had an excuse to go back. But I did get to the so-called Star Wars Canyon east of Tozeur. At the Jawa Rock, I picked up a small piece of rock from the canyon floor and took it home with me. It's still sitting on the mantlepiece in my study.
The Ksar Hadada at the time still had some window dressing from the Episode I shoot that had taken place a few years before.